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Zhang Zhung

Images from a Lost Kingdom

di Shang Shung Publications Editorial Team

Libro - 21,00€ (without VAT)


Zhang Zhung: Images from a Lost Kingdom is an introduction to the kingdom of Zhang Zhung (Shang Shung), the ancient realm of the pre-Buddhist Bön religion, surrounding the sacred Mount Kailash in western Tibet and originating more than three thousand years ago. This text by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, with over 50 black-and-white and color photographs, details his historic discovery of one of the capitals of this ancient realm, Khyung lung dngul mkhar, the Silver Palace of the Valley of the Garuda, during an expedition to western Tibet in 1988.

The text can be considered an introduction to The Light of Kailash, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu's three-volume masterpiece on the origins of Tibetan culture.

  • Foreword 7
  • Zhang zhung: A Brief Introduct ion 11
  • I. The Country of Zhang Zhung 15
  • II. Archaelogical Findings in Ancient Zhang Zhung 19
  • III. The Epoch of Zhang Zhung 23
  • IV. The Kings and Capitals of Zhang Zhung 25
  • V. The Silver Palace of Khyung Lung 29
  • Images from a Lost Kingdom 37
  • Appendix
  • The Origins of Tibetan Culture and Thought 79
  • Bibliography 97

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