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A Necklace of Jewels

On the Cultural History of Tibet

di Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

Libro - 24,50€ (without VAT)


Disponibile come: Ebook - 12,00€ Pack - 30,00€

A Necklace of Jewels represents a turning point in the historiography of Tibetan culture. It was the first book about Tibetan culture written by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu (1938-2018), one of the last great Dzogchen masters and scholars to have received a full, traditional education in Tibet. Inspired by early texts from the Bön tradition that preceded the arrival of Buddhism, he emerged with a history of Tibetan culture that differed considerably from the orthodox version shaped by later Buddhist texts that over emphasize the importance of Indian cultural and religious influences.

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